But, family time was beautiful.
I've taken two rolls of film since then.
I now present them to you.
( Same Pentax K1000 / 50mm prime lens / 400 ASA)
We had Christmas at home on what we call "Christmas Adam", the day before Christmas Eve.

This is how I think of my mom.

My mom gave my sister a new purity ring, which had the diamond from her engagement ring.
I'm not sure my sister really grasped it all. But I thought it was an epic Mother/Daughter moment.

I took down his oral history and the history of our family while I was back.
That will be soon to follow.

Oscar De La Hoya Paul. He's been through a lot, but he's got a great life.

Biscuitville. Enough said.

Christmas Eve, Mandrew and I made that happen. They have started tearing it down and selling the scraps.

This is a huge bridge over the Dan. Cross the Dan through the bridge: Life goal, accomplished.

I titled this one Carnage. I don't even care how ridiculous you think it is. That day was epic.

We lurked through that place hard.
We had the type of conversations brothers have when they don't see each other that often.
About girls, plans, adventures.
The construction crew almost caught us on our way out.
So we made a run for it through the tall grass and over the fence.

"I want it too look like 'We just ran from some construction workers and didn't get caught'."

The past flowed like the water under the bridge.
and Hearts burned brighter.

and a bit of blood.

Life as of late has involved a lot of location scouting for our thesis.
I like the concept of going places just to look at them, and think about how appealing we could make them.
I like the hanging out it involves.
I like how pensive we all seem as we walk around looking at trees and reflections in the water.

This day led us to a burning building. I snuck in as close as possible to see the boys at work.

Lastly. Here's some Winter Park chillin' with a mustache, that I can't remember who it belonged to originally.

and Kacie and Lori's daisies.

Here is one last shot from a job I did with Maven the other day.
Featuring the world renowned, Jonpaul Douglass.

You redeemed me.
You redeemed this tired soul.
And these tired bones.
Your Name, breaks the shackles.
Your Name, breaks the shackles.
Your Face gives me rest.
Your Name, breaks the shackles.
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