I'm tired of hearing everyone whine about politics and socialism.
I wish the media would be unique and artists be creative during all of this.
There are still beautiful sunsets and sunrises to watch, roofs to sit on and breathe deep of life.
Also, my g key is slightly marred from my move.
Which leaves me typing things like "hearin" and "typin"
But back to government funded things.
I got a new driver's license this week so I could be legal with my new address and register to vote downtown.
Had to take a new picture.
I had ridden a bike many miles with a hat on.

Don't do this.
The other government building is the library.
From which I rented of plethora of movies.
2 of which I'm super pumped about.

I have shot much video in the past few days.
Some of which you will soon see I believe.
Riding bikes many miles at a time requires bike riding music.
Enter: Have Heart, Kids Like Us, Guns Up!, and Bane.
Now I just have to learn how to not air guitar while dodging traffic.
Conversations have been abounding this week.
Root seeking conversations.
Go read Isaiah.
'Your maker is your bridegroom,
His name, God of the Angel Armies!
The Holy One of Israel is your Redeemer;
known as God of all the earth.'
You cannot love something you need. We are slaves to what we need. God doesn't need us. He is a God of relationships, and out of His personality, out of who He is, created us and sacrificed himself for us so that we may love Him and be loved by Him.
I love my friends.
"Clear Eyes, Full Hearts. Can't Lose"
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