A couple weeks ago I was procrastinating at about 2 a.m. from a project due at 9 and made this guy happen.
I like it.
Our 16mm project at school has begun.
I'm Camera Dept. Pretty pumped about that.
Tom came to me at church last night and said he thought it would be awesome to include scripture and prayer into our morning workout. Which is something the Holy Spirit had put on my heart a few days before.
Tom brought the Word this morning with Isaiah 48.
10 See, I have refined you, though not as silver;
I have tested you in the furnace of affliction.
11 For my own sake, for my own sake, I do this.
How can I let myself be defamed?
I will not yield my glory to another.
Intentionality is brewing over in my life. It's scary because there is a lack of comfort, or a lack of laziness allowed. Friends and family who are setting a pace of momentum and change that doesn't leave room for people to sit idly by.
We sang Fire Fall Down at church last night.
I pray that fire incinerates and obliterates the things in me that don't have the same attitude of change, the pace of momentum, movement for the Kingdom.
"twist your head around
it's all around you
all is full of love
all around you"
I've spent the better part of my evening writing media releases and support letters for the Iraq adventure.
This is an exercise in faith. In patience. In hope. In perseverance.
This is an exercise in life.
"Let's open fire on doubt." - Saints Never Surrender
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