Sunday, May 25, 2008

Today-Right Now


This afternoon.

Right now.

The earth is emitting a red hue into the vast expanse of blue.

My brain races and synapses fire to tell me this red is probably warm, and comfortable.
The love and life of the day floating out into the heavens.

These highways are open, flat ground where you can see from toll booth to toll both.
Trees without soft leaves.
Ground without brown dirt or red clay.

Cameras spying eyes make sure each car lends their 75 cents to make sure the roads stay potholed, and long.

Melodies and Harmonies bring my hands into polyrthymic beats onto my aged steering wheel.
Where my hands have weathered storms, skids and collisions. Laughs, stories and phone calls.

This car has carried me many miles across this earth, and seen many a sunrise and sunset.

Even after it's paint has cracked and peeled it's last, and it is no longer mine.

I will continue this journey, this adventure.

I will breathe deeply from the wind that blows around this place we call Home.

My eyes will be fixed towards the heavens, because it is far to full of beauty to be called space.

This life is so much more than a snapshot.

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