After this things happened there was a Memorial Day Bro-B-Q at Lori's.
These pictures were taken at this potluck.

I had two very odd dreams last night.
Dream 1:
My friend Caleb was a long haul truck driver. He, his girlfriend, myself, and our friends Shmike and Brett were riding through a very dirty Disney Word in this truck. Inside there were all sorts of crazy devices. Namely a projector he had bolted to the wall that scrolled, yes scrolled, downwards through pictures of he and his girlfriend and hand written/drawn notes from small children. As we drove through this Bizarro Disney we were mostly distracted by the faux Egyptian prostitutes. And why they were Egyptian.
Dream 2:
I noticed a black head on the side of my nose, and to spare the gross details popped it and realized it was a piece of warm poop about the size of a golf ball. I'm still disgusted even thinking about this.
i literally laughed OUT LOUD for a good 15 seconds after reading Dream #2.
you stayed home to edit. what a trooper. i would've gone tubing.
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