Monday, May 26, 2008

Weird Dreams and Sweet Days

Today was a very sweet day. I unfortunately bailed on an incredible tubing trip down the Itchituknee river, or however it's spelled in order to get some rest, save some money, and edit some more on this wedding I'm working on.

After this things happened there was a Memorial Day Bro-B-Q at Lori's.
These pictures were taken at this potluck.

Tom refused to let anyone else man this grill. We had very large chicken breasts that were smothered in BBQ sauce that took a lifetime to cook. Tom's cigar was quite potent.

This one didn't get framed as well as planned because Hamel really wanted to be the star of it. I feel it sums most of the event up pretty well though.

Chris emanates light. The color temperature differences are drastic between these three pictures. But I love how this one turned out. No photoshop friends, all natural. Golden hour bro-b-que.

I had two very odd dreams last night.

Dream 1:
My friend Caleb was a long haul truck driver. He, his girlfriend, myself, and our friends Shmike and Brett were riding through a very dirty Disney Word in this truck. Inside there were all sorts of crazy devices. Namely a projector he had bolted to the wall that scrolled, yes scrolled, downwards through pictures of he and his girlfriend and hand written/drawn notes from small children. As we drove through this Bizarro Disney we were mostly distracted by the faux Egyptian prostitutes. And why they were Egyptian.

Dream 2:
I noticed a black head on the side of my nose, and to spare the gross details popped it and realized it was a piece of warm poop about the size of a golf ball. I'm still disgusted even thinking about this.


aswelove said...

i literally laughed OUT LOUD for a good 15 seconds after reading Dream #2.

Anonymous said...

you stayed home to edit. what a trooper. i would've gone tubing.