Casey and I just got done settling what could have been an intergalactic dispute.
If you are reading this, be thankful that you're still alive. Because we saved your life.
Casey has recently become involved via phone calls with a certain individual who believes himself to be a part of an alien race called the Corrineans (no relation to Corinthians). Casey made himself out to be part of this alien race and received the Corrinean named "Orgutron".
Tonight at about 2:45 Casey received a phone call from Indiana which went like this.
Caller- "Is this Orgutron?"
Casey- "It's very late, please call back another time."
This person called back and left a message.
Here is a link to the audio of quite a gem left in Casey's inbox.
The Voicemail

Casey called the individual with which he had developed a tight Corrinean bond and cleared the whole mess up. Eloquence flowed and Garageband recorded every moment, for our enjoyment.
He made it clear that he was uncertain of his Corrinean heritage, and that he needed time to sort things out.
We then called the Indiana native who left the voicemail. And made sure he understood he was going to have to put up or shut up. Brotherhood doesn't leave room for intergalactic threats from strangers.
What did you do with your night?
I'm glad to see that this issue was resolved. Although I would have liked to work alongside Mr. Hart to help feed the underpriveledged and homeless Corrineans. Oh well...
Good work -
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